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Sinclair Advice Column

Navigating the World of Public Affairs: My Internship Experience at Sinclair Public Affairs

When I began searching for an internship toward the end of my junior year of college, I knew I was interested in strategic communication and public relations. However, I also had an interest in politics. Whenever someone asked me what I was interested in pursuing post-grad, I repeatedly said I wanted to find the intersection between public relations and political…
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How a Strong Foundation Can Transform a Crisis Situation

Why establishing trust and credibility is critical to prepare your brand for potential crises In the world of business and politics, the only constant you can predict is change. Unexpected moments can arise at any moment, threatening the reputation, stability and credibility of even the most well-respected brands and organizations. The key to weathering those moments lies in a well-built…
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The Four Pillars of Crisis Communication: What, How, When and Where

In the world of crisis communications, it's easy to focus solely on the message—what you will say to manage a situation effectively. While the message itself is crucial, the framework in which it's delivered—how, when, and where you communicate—can dramatically affect its effectiveness. Let's break down these four pillars and understand why they are the linchpin of successful crisis management.…
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7 Reasons Why It’s Crucial for Companies to Update Their Crisis Communications Plan

In the dynamic realm of business, for any company, possessing a blueprint for challenging times (often termed a "crisis plan") isn't a luxury—it's essential. However, merely drafting such a plan isn't the endgame; it's pivotal for it to be routinely revisited and refined. Here's why:  Ensuring Clarity and Smooth Execution: Imagine a mobile application. If not updated, it tends to…
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Embracing Generative AI: Transforming Communications in the Digital Era

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the realm of communications is evolving at an unprecedented rate. The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has ushered in a new era of possibilities, empowering professionals in the field to revolutionize their strategies and redefine success in the communications world. Recently, the Sinclair PA team had the privilege of attending Meltwater’s Annual Summit in…
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Beyond the Presidential Race

Exploring the Significance of Municipal and Special Elections Most people associate election season with the presidential race in November, but did you know that there are also many municipal and special elections held outside of the general election season?  In the years between presidential elections, people especially tend to overlook the importance of municipal elections, which have the power to…
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To Engage Or Not To Engage?

How a corporate framework helps organizations assess the risks and rewards of taking public stances on social issues Now, more than ever, organizations face the challenge of addressing sensitive issues that may impact their stakeholders. From social and environmental concerns to political and economic issues, taking a stance on every issue can be risky. Having a corporate framework is essential…
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From Cable to CTV: How Cross-Platform Advertising is the Key to Success

In our last blog, we delved into the evolving landscape of advertising and emphasized the significance of maintaining a presence across all digital platforms. There are several reasons why people are streaming more: Convenience: Streaming services offer convenience and flexibility, allowing viewers to watch TV and movies on their own schedule. Cost: Streaming services are often less expensive than cable…
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The Future of Advertising: Why Your Business Needs to Adapt

Advertising has come a long way from the days when a basic ad in the local newspaper was enough to generate awareness and attract key audiences. In today's digital age, technological advancements, such as the widespread availability of high-speed internet connections and the proliferation of digital devices capable of accessing online content, have revolutionized the advertising landscape. These developments have…
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The Power of Digital Advertising Campaigns

Digital advertising campaigns have become a crucial component of any successful communications strategy, as they provide flexible and efficient ways to market to target audiences, measure impact, and cater to future strategies for success.  Targeting One of the key benefits of digital advertising is its ability to target the public based on specific audience characteristics- which includes a range of…
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