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Sinclair Advice Column

The Sinclair Public Affairs Approach: 2022 Independent Expenditures

Sinclair Public Affairs has proven time and time again that successful independent expenditure campaigns don’t have to be negative in nature, or funded by dark money groups. Sinclair transforms this negative perception by disseminating positive media that focuses on what candidates have done for their constituents- highlighting specific and important voter interests.   This honest, strategic, and positively focused approach to…
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Fact or Fiction? Let’s Talk PR

By: Kaitlin Coogan and Kailey McSwain When people talk about PR, the first question is “So, what exactly do you do?” That question is almost always immediately followed by some iteration of the words spin, underhanded, and sometimes even liar. It’s not exactly a great picture, and it’s pretty much the only one that exists in the media today. TV…
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Sinclair Advice Column: Maneuvering the Post-College Void

It’s that time of the year again- caps and gowns are dawned, pictures are taken, and congratulations are given and received. College graduation is an exciting milestone, but it is often one without direction. Up until this point, your life has been paved for you. School is structured- filled with requirements, boxes to check and peers to measure yourself against.…
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